Monday, October 29, 2012

298-366 tomatoes on the window sill

ripening nicely

297-366 fence

297-366 fence, originally uploaded by saralonde.

296-366 warning

296-366 warning, originally uploaded by saralonde.

Where photographers and baseball players fear to tread. They must be guard horses. Didn't see any though. They are probably good at hiding and jumping out at unsuspecting Little Leaguers ;)

295-366 "No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace , As I have seen in one autumnal face."

-John Donne

Thursday, October 25, 2012

294-366 "I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house."

- Nathaniel Hawthorne

293-366 sedum

293-366 sedum, originally uploaded by saralonde.

just before they all got trimmed back for the winter. Guess I can't rely on my fallback flower pics anymore on those 366 days when I don't know what else to do, LOL!

292-366 bug

292-366 bug, originally uploaded by saralonde.

With cold weather coming, these ugly things are on my doors and windows trying to get in. Yuck!

Monday, October 22, 2012

291-366 white roses

291-366 white roses, originally uploaded by saralonde.

291-366 white roses

291-366 white roses, originally uploaded by saralonde.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

290-366 gobble, gobble

290-366 gobble, gobble, originally uploaded by saralonde.

We have wild turkeys everywhere, but they all seem to disappear during hunting season. Not that I'm a hunter, but interesting to note. (I think they have a 6th sense about those things).

289-366 golden2

289-366 golden2, originally uploaded by saralonde.

288-366 golden

288-366 golden, originally uploaded by saralonde.

287-366 It's Autumn. I might as well just go for the leaf shots.

It is beautiful outside. The leaf colors seem so vibrant this year. I know autumn leaf images are so cliche and overly abundant, but if you are lucky enough to live in an area like I do and they are right outside your door, you simply have to take advantage of it. And when the sunlight hits them, well it's just magic :)

286-366 "sometimes you can find the most interesting things abandoned on the road..."

I guess they didn't find old Bill Cosby that funny.

285-366 nutshells

285-366 nutshells, originally uploaded by saralonde.

Every year as the days grow cooler and the little critters are storing food for the winter, we find these in little piles on our sidewalks and driveway. I guess they're using the hard surface to crack them open.

284-366 what's left before a freeze


283-366, originally uploaded by saralonde.

282-366 "autumn bounty"

282-366 "autumn bounty", originally uploaded by saralonde.

Calling for a freeze that night means most veggies will be coming indoors, ready or not.

281-366 a seat to enjoy the leaves of autumn

there's even a hammock to the left if you get tired of sitting :)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

280-366 rose hips

280-366 rose hips, originally uploaded by saralonde.

279-366 autumn leaves

279-366 autumn leaves, originally uploaded by saralonde.


278-366, originally uploaded by saralonde.


277-366, originally uploaded by saralonde.

276-366 wet shoes

276-366 wet shoes, originally uploaded by saralonde.

275-366 autumn on a car window

275-366 autumn on a car window, originally uploaded by saralonde.

Friday, October 5, 2012

274-366 playground

274-366 playground, originally uploaded by saralonde.

273-366 autumn apples

273-366 autumn apples, originally uploaded by saralonde.

272-366 the leaves are falling...

271-366 rainy window

271-366 rainy window, originally uploaded by saralonde.

staying in today

270-366 pinecone

270-366 pinecone, originally uploaded by saralonde.

269-366 autumn still life

269-366 autumn still life, originally uploaded by saralonde.

Poking around my backyard again...


268-366, originally uploaded by saralonde.


267-366, originally uploaded by saralonde.